"Introduce a little anarchy… upset the established order… and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos? It's fair."
Many questions come up with The Dark Knight. Many lessons of humanity too. Is there someone willing to sacrifice himself for a greater good? If you were to kill someone in order to survive, would you do it? How far does anyone go without trespassing human ethics?
But for some reason, the question that impresses me the most refers to this: geniality and madness. Joker was a freak for everyone, but he was also a genius. He was beyond general understanding.The fact that he could not only see, but understand what other people couldn't doesn't make him a mental, someone inferior. His world wasn't distorted, it only had different concepts from ours. Are our concepts the right ones? The only ones? Aren't there other ways to be followed?
Please note that I don't support his attitudes like killing. What intrigues me is that he had a completely different way of life. He wasn't attached to material stuff nor people. He says he has an objective, but he doesn't know what to do once he reaches it. For me, he's intrigued by the society. He sees us as an outsider. He knows that, somewhere deep into us, he lies. So we suit him as lab rats.
But he's not alone. Representing another side of geniality, we have Batman. Actually, not him exactly; a part only. The part that doesn't think rationally, the one that gives in so people can have hope. That part is not a person at all; it's an agent for an ideology. A part able to destroy itself so things can change. The capacity of seeing and executing such an action... only a genius can make it.
And then, remains the question: does geniality require madness? Before everything, what is madness? Someone who doesn't follow a pattern, the regular way of life. But then again, what makes us sure our regular way of life is the right one?
In my opinion, yes, geniality requires madness. But madness is not necessarily something negative. To be a genius is something so unique that a completely different mind organisation is needed. A different way of seeing the world.
So, who wants to be a genius?
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Um comentário:
naaaaatzilds 8DD~. eu salutarmente discordo da conclusão ^-^. não acho que precise ser assim tão único e nem uma completely different mind organization. acho que as coisas são bem mais relativas do que isso =D~~
aaah, a imagem das sandálias tá muito legal, cara, adorei! ahsuhsau =D. ;*~
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